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Roots Radics Brewing Company is a micro brewery in Amsterdam, originated from an artisanal brewery family, which has its roots in Suriname. The family of the founder and owner, Lloyd Held, started brewing ginger beer (gindyabiri a Surinamese non-alcoholic ginger lemonade) and various authentic fermented alcoholic drinks based on secret family recipes

The name of the brewery, beers and other drinks all have their origin in Afro/Surinamese and Caribbean culture, derived from mythical figures and tribes such as: Kromanti, Apinti, Kwaku and Sabakoe,

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Hi, my name is Lloyd Held, brewer, owner and mastermind behind Roots Radics Brewing Company.


At Roots Radics Brewing Company, we are passionate about brewing craft beer and other beverages, so we can bring great brews to our guests, connoisseurs, enthusiasts and curious drinkers, all thanks to the support and feedback from guests like you! Stay tuned for new releases and what's coming soon. If you want to take advantage of early bird reservations, discounts and other promotions, go to the Roots Radics Socials and contact us via the contact form. Visit the Roots Radics Brewing Company  Blog to keep up to date with everything Roots Radics Brewing Company has to offer, including tips and things we think are cool!


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